All our journeys are completely offbeat and away from the tourist trails, unless they fall in between our trails. Our focus has been on scenic trails, some off the grid and off Google Maps too! We always escort you in our lead car to ensure that you do not lose your way.

Starting Points

We have exciting pre-mapped drives and offbeat itineraries through the length and breadth of the country and a few destinations around the globe.


Our trips range from short weekend drives spanning 02 nights/03 days to longer overlanding expeditions spanning a couple of weeks.

Types of Trips

  • Fixed Drives: Road trips with fixed itineraries and start-and-end dates, generally on long weekends and school vacations. Join us on a scheduled trip!
  • Bespoke Drives: Road Trips with pre-fixed itineraries but flexible dates of your choice, for a minimum group of ten adults. You get to pick the dates and the itinerary!
  • Designer Drives: “If there is a route in your heart, we will put it on the map”. These road trips are completely tailor made with regards to your choice of duration, type of destination and region and terrain, with a bit of flexibility to enable us to spring our special surprises en route.
  • Corporate Off Sites: We do corporate off sites for no more than 20 people at a time. We combine our strength of creating an engaging environment with the expertise of the best learning and development professionals in the country to create some unique offsite and training experiences.

Drive comfort and safety

  • The cars drive in a convoy, and are connected by two-way radios so you can drive at your own pace with no worry of getting lost.
  • Our convoys are accompanied by support vehicles, so there’s always help if you have car trouble or are in need of basic first aid.
  • We know that it is always a challenge for lady travelers to find suitable spots for bio breaks on the road, so we have made our own extremely hygienic arrangements for our lady Offbeat Adventurers, whenever and wherever they may need them.